Can a transit system be flush with riders, yet strapped for cash? An article in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune says it's happening in that metropolitan… Read the rest
A recent story in the Columbia Daily Tribune discussed the uproar over the recent creation of what is being termed the position of "transportation czar" in… Read the rest
An article in Passenger Tranport Express, the newsletter for the American Public Transportation Association, details the selection of Rep. Ray LaHood (R-Il) as Transportation… Read the rest
There is a new, citizen-led group of transportation, business and labor organizations, who share a common belief in the importance of public transportation. … Read the rest
The latest news from the American Public Transportation Association–more than 2 billion trips were taken via U.S. public transportation in the 3rd quarter of… Read the rest
An article in The Huffington Post talks about how President-elect Obama and Vice-President-elect Biden will use the rails to ride to their inauguration next month. … Read the rest
After 25 years of service to Randolph County, OATS driver Rebecca Coffman will retire on December 31st. When she began driving for OATS, it was a service for the… Read the rest
Our neighbor to the East, the state of Ilinois, may be having governor troubles, but is certainly having no problem attracting ridership on one of its oldest mass transit… Read the rest
A recent article from discusses a stimulus package being considered by President-elect Obama, that will include a great deal of spending on environmentally… Read the rest
The Missouri Department of Transportation, or MODOT, has initiated what they are calling a "conversation" to improve the state's transportation system,… Read the rest