Next Wednesday, February 4th, is the day for all involved in the Missouri transportation industry to make their collective voices heard. It's Transportation… Read the rest
The Missouri Chamber Federation has announced its legislative priorities for this session. The Federation is a group of 40 local chambers of commerce working… Read the rest
The following is the stance of the Missouri Chamber of Commerce, along with a link for more information:
Transportation is a critical factor in maintaining the future… Read the rest
Bridgeton OATS driver Birdie McBee celebrates 15 years as an OATS driver this year! She is a self-styled "people person", who delights in her job, and… Read the rest
The latest information from the Federal Transit Administration is right here, in news releases available to you! While these particular releases do not affect… Read the rest
The Metro Board of Commissioners is adopting "Plan D" for modifications and reductions in service, beginning March 30th of this year. More information,… Read the rest
No longer relegated just to Great Britain, the double decker busses can now be seen in major metropolitan areas throughout the United States. They are… Read the rest
The latest figures are out, and even with a drop in gas prices, people are still using public transit, and still saving money. A person can still save an annual average… Read the rest
It's all headed upwards in Kansas City…a new $76 million budget for the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority; a 25-cent fare increase for Metro bus riders… Read the rest
Can a transit system be flush with riders, yet strapped for cash? An article in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune says it's happening in that metropolitan… Read the rest