2014 MPTA Officers
Tom Mogelnicki, President
John Nations, Vice- President
Dorothy Yeager, Secretary/Treasurer
Mark Huffer, Past President
Cindy Baker
Kansas City Area Transportation Authority
1200 E. 18th St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
Email: CBaker@kcata.org
Phone: (816) 346-0250
Fax: (816) 346-0305
Steve Billings (Ex Officio)
MoDOT – Transit Section
P.O. Box 270
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Email: steven.billings@modot.mo.gov
Phone: (573) 751-2523
Fax: (573) 526-4709
Drew Brooks
City of Columbia
Wabash Station
126 North Tenth Street
Columbia, MO 65201
Email: tabrooks@gocolumbiamo.com
Phone:(573) 874-7281
Fax: (573) 874-7276
Kim Cella
Citizens for Modern Transit
911 Washington, Suite 200
St. Louis, MO 63101
Email: KCella@cmt-stl.org
Phone: 314-231-7272
Fax: 314-231-7380
Andy Clements
City of St. Joseph – Transit
1100 Frederick Avenue
St. Joseph, MO 64501
Email: aclements@ci.st-joseph.mo.us
Phone: 816-271-4653
Fax: 816-271-5390
John Dobies
HNTB Corporation
715 Kirk Drive
Kansas City, MO 64105
E-mail: jdobies@hntb.com
Phone: 816-527-2874
Fax: 816-472-4086
Sara Fields
Ozarks Transportation Organization
205 Park Central East, Suite 205
Springfield, MO 65806
Email: sfields@ozarkstransportation.org
Phone: 417-865-3042
Fax: 417-862-6013
Thomas Gerend
Mid-America Regional Council
600 Broadway, Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64105
E-mail: tgerend@marc.org
Phone: 816-474-4240
Fax: 816-421-7758
Janine C. Clampitt
Ray County Transportation, Inc.
PO Box 382, 213 Valley Drive
Richmond, MO 64085
E-mail: janine_r.bus@mchsi.com
Phone: 816-776-8058
Fax: 816-776-3161
Courtney Harrison
4901 County Rd., Suite 304
Fulton, MO 65251
Email: : caltran@serveinc.net
Phone: 573-642-6388
Fax: 573-642-2191
Mark Huffer
Kansas City Area Transportation Authority
1200 E. 18th St.
Kansas City, MO 64108
Email: mhuffer@kcata.org
Phone: 816-346-0210
Fax: 816-346-0253
Jake Jacobs
Developmental Disability Services of Jackson County-EITAS
8511 Hillcrest Rd., Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64138
Email: jjacobs@eitas.org
Phone: 816-363-2000
Fax: 816-363-1755
Chris Jones
City Utilities Transit Services
1505 Boonville
Springfield, MO 65803
Email: chris.jones@cityutilities.net
Phone: 417-831-8784
Fax: 417-831-8803
Matthew Kauffman
CP & Associates
5004 Brighton Avnue, Suite D
Kansas City, MO 64130
Email: matt@kctraction.com
Phone: 816-474-1360
Robert Lolley
City of Joplin
602 S. Main Street
Joplin, MO 64801
Email: rlolley@joplinmo.org
Phone: 417-625-4793
Fax: 417-625-4747
Tom Mogelnicki
Cape Girardeau County Transit Authority
937 Broadway, Suite 200
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Phone: 573-335-5533
Fax: 573-334-4872
John Nations
707 N. First Street
St. Louis, MO 63102
Email: jmnations@metrostlouis.org
Phone: 314-982-1588
Fax: 314-982-1432
Bill Osborne
SMTS, Inc.
PO Box 679, 700 Hwy 72 East
Fredericktown, MO 63645
Email: bill@rideSMTS.org
Phone: 573-783-5505
Fax: 573-783-7687
Thomas Sehr
3863 Utah Place
St. Louis, MO 63116
Email: tsehr@att.net
Phone: 314-772-1901
Cell: 314-740-3907
Richard Turner
City of Jefferson Transit
820 E. Miller St.
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Email: rturner@jeffcitymo.org
Phone: 573-634-6599
Fax: 573-636-3632
Sheree Webb
OATS, Inc., Northeast Region Office
3006 Jim’s Road
Macon, MO 63552
Email: swebb@oatstransit.org
Phone: 660-395-3041
Dianne Williams
707 N. First Street
St. Louis, MO 63102
Email: dhwilliams@metrostlouis.org
Phone: 314-982-1588
Dorothy Yeager
OATS, Inc.
2501 Maguire Blvd., Ste 101
Columbia, MO 65201
Email: djyeager@oatstransit.org
Phone: (573) 443-4516 X 1100
Fax: (573) 874-1914