Whether you're selling old books, musical instruments, or finally parting with that record collection, you can now elect to donate a percentage of the profits from your eBay sale to OATS, Inc. It's part of eBay's "Giving Works" program, and certified nonprofit organizations can be listed on the site, with sellers donating anywhere from 10 to 100 percent of the selling price to any organization listed. Just recently, OATS–which formerly stood for Older Adults Transportation Services–was certified, and can now receive donations.
OATS is one of 11 agencies in Missouri providing public transportation, and currently serves 87 counties. They provide transportation for people in rural areas, including the disabled, senior citizens, and in fact serve a wide clientele.They are funded in part by an allotment of federal funds from the Missouri Department of Transportation, through contracts with Area Agencies on Aging, rider donations, and private contributions. More information is available about OATS, Inc at www.oatstransit.org.