Missouri Governor Mike Parson signed into a law HB 3004 today with historic funding levels for transit. The Missouri State Legislative Session adjourned in May… Read the rest
Discussion to Reveal Findings of Missouri Statewide Transit Needs Assessment
Over the last nine months the Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) has been working… Read the rest
You’re invited! The Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) invites you to the 2022 MPTA State Conference and Expo. The conference is scheduled for September 28 ‐29,… Read the rest
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) yesterday awarded grants to help marginalized communities across the country.… Read the rest
Review the Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Training (OEND) training which covers a variety of information to assist in allowing persons to learn more about… Read the rest
The Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) has elected Ed Thomas to its Board of Directors. He will serve a two-year term.
Thomas has served as Executive Director… Read the rest
The Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) Board of Directors recognized fellow board member Jake Jacobs for his decades of service to the MPTA and transit at its… Read the rest
Priority will be given to projects, such as mixed-use development near transit stations, that help reduce transportation costs, combat pollution and climate change,… Read the rest
This increase is critically needed – considering Missouri is ranked 45th in the nation for transit investment and had allocated only $1.710 million each of the last four… Read the rest