The Missouri Legislature just wrapped up the session, approving a State Budget for 2018 that includes a 24 percent cut to transit operating funding over the prior year.… Read the rest
MoDOT accepting public comments through June 5 on STAR Loan Rule, a possible funding source for transit projects in MO. The Statewide Transportation Assistance Revolving… Read the rest
The Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) through a partnership with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) hosted a special webinar for members … Read the rest
Among the winners for the 2017 Bus Safety and Security Excellence awards, was the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA). The American Public Transit Association… Read the rest
The Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee upheld the Governor’s and House Committee’s recommendations to cut $500,000 in general revenue for transit operating… Read the rest
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced the opportunity to apply for up to $55 million in competitive grant funds through… Read the rest
Andrew Brady, Senior Director Government Affairs, with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) will be talking transit on Capitol Hill at the upcoming… Read the rest
Don’t miss the exciting opportunity on May 10 for MPTA members. MPTA has been working with APTA on its latest research, “Who Rides Public Transportation,”… Read the rest
The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority will hold several public meetings to discuss proposed service changes to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of… Read the rest