The Missouri Department of Transportation is updating the state’s Long Range Transportation Plan. Missouri’s current Long Range Transportation Plan was completed in 2014. It included an extensive outreach process. MoDOT talked with thousands of people to find out what Missourians expect from the state’s transportation system. Here is an online survey to weigh in.
Input from that outreach helped MoDOT develop four goal areas to guide the future of transportation: 1.) Preservation: Take care of the transportation system and services we enjoy today; 2.) Safety: Keep all travelers safe, no matter the mode of transportation; 3.) Economic Development: Invest in projects that spur economic growth and create jobs; 4.)Connections & Choices: Give Missourians better transportation choices (urban/rural transit, bike/pedestrian, rail, ports and airports).
Because it’s time to update the Long Range Plan, MoDOT wants to hear your thoughts on the four goal areas: Preservation, Safety, Economic Development, and Connections & Choices as well as other transportation priorities. MPTA is encouraging members and transit advocates to weigh in to ensure the long range plan makes transit and multi-modal travel a priority. Weigh in on the importance of transit today.