A recently released study compiled by the American Public Transportation Association, provides details on public transit passenger demographics to help answer the… Read the rest
Four Missouri cities are offering visitors and residents new ways of getting around town, bringing new excitement to familiar destinations. Kansas City, St. Louis, … Read the rest
KCATA held meetings about the changes in the spring to answer questions and hear from customers about the changes. Detailed maps and schedules are available at RideKC.org.… Read the rest
Registration Open to Community Members Interested in Helping to Create Vision for Development Around New City Utilities Transit Center
Following in the footsteps of… Read the rest
‘Dump the Pump’ Day, happening on June 15, 2017, is a day that encourages people across the country to utilize public transportation rather than driving. This year marks… Read the rest
City Utilities (CU) of Springfield has a special week planned for its riders next week as a part of Communities in Motion Week. CU will recognize its transit riders next
Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) will hold two community meetings to discuss the planned Prospect MAX bus rapid transit (BRT) line:
• Wednesday, June… Read the rest
Researchers from the University of Illinois have found that counties that rely more on their mass transit systems produce residents that have lower obesity rates. They… Read the rest
As the President’s Infrastructure Plan makes it way to Congress in the next couple of weeks, The Bus Coalition wants to highlight the benefits of including a $2.85 billion… Read the rest