KCATA Veterans Program surpasses half a million rides

In honor of Veterans Day, RideKC reminds area veterans that free fare is available every day with the RideKC Veterans Pass. The Free Fare for Veterans program began in April of this year, and the program has provided more than 500,000 rides and distributed more than 3,500 passes. KCATA, in partnership with the Kansas City Veterans Administration and the Veteran Community Project (VCP), honors veterans through this program. The initiative is sponsored by the Greater Kansas City Labor Unions/AFL-CIO.

U.S. Army veteran Dana Purnell has been using the RideKC Veterans Pass for several months.

“It’s a blessing, it really is,” said Purnell. “I don’t have to worry about that next paycheck to have a card to utilize to get me to and fro. It’s always in my wallet. It’s beautiful.”

The pass is available at the VCP in south Kansas City, 8900 Troost, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The RideKC Veterans Pass is the only form of identification that allows veterans to ride for free. Program participants must bring valid proof of veteran status:

  • Department of Veterans Affairs ID
  • Active military service ID
  • State of Missouri photo ID showing veteran status