(Re)vision of JEFFTRAN bus system in the works?

(RE)Vision of the Jefferson City Bus system in the works? JEFFTRAN and the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) in Jefferson City, MO will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, October 17th to gather input on a draft Final Report for the JEFFTRAN System-Wide Transit Assessment.    

CAMPO contracted with Lochmueller Group in the spring 2017 to conduct a system-wide assessment of JEFFTRAN.  The assessment includes evaluation of current service, data collection, public outreach, and a service plan with recommended improvements.  The assessment will result in two reports, the Existing Conditions Report and a Final Report with recommendations.  The assessment will be completed by October 31, 2017.

Recommendations for major improvements and changes based on the research conducted include:

  • Operate weekday evening service (last trip leaving downtown at 7:20 p.m.) on four routes – High Street West, Business 50 East, Missouri Boulevard and Capital Mall.
  • Operate SAturday service on these same four routes between approximately 8 a.m. and 5:20 p.m. leaving the downtown transit center.
  • Modify five of the six JEFFTRAN fixed routes (High Street East, Business 50 East, Missouri Boulevard, Capital Mall, and Southwest). These improvements will accomplish the following:
    • Eliminates one way loops and provide bi-directional travel
    • Increase two way service for ease of use and ridership opportunities
    • Promote direction route patterns for travel time savings
    • Provide connections to major attractions
  • Fund most of the cost of these fixed route improvements with economies in Handi-Wheels services.   Key aspects of these economies include:
    • Offering free fare on fixed route service to Handi-Wheels eligible riders who chose to use it for a particular trip
    • Recertifying all Handi-Wheels riders to ensure that only those who are eligible under ADA reequirements are offered service. The peer comparison in Existing Conditions Report identified that JEFFTRAN’s level of Handi-Rides service is fare in excess of that provided by its peers.
  • Implement a $0.25 fare increase in fixed route service.


A link to the Existing Conditions Report and draft Final Report with recommendations is available on the following webpage:

JEFFTRAN website:  http://www.jeffersoncitymo.gov/government/transit/

Anyone seeking to comment on the draft Final Report may attend the public meeting or send any comments or questions to CAMPO staff by end of day October 17th.  CAMPO staff may be contacted at campo@jeffcitymo.org or by calling (573)634-6410.