The Missouri Public Transit Association is celebrating 35 years of transit advocacy this year. In order to meet the needs of our members, we would like to hear what you think. … Read the rest
It's time to renew your membership with the Missouri Public Transit Association! If you have never been a member, it's time to consider getting on board with transit… Read the rest
Transportation is the key to moving Missouri forward, and there is an opportunity in the 2016 Legislative session to make a difference. Discussions are… Read the rest
Kansas City Police Chief Darryl Forte will join the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority on Wednesday, Jan. 27 to sign a landmark agreement dedicating transit officers… Read the rest
The Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) is seeking a consultant to create a website for the association that is visually appealing, graphic, interactive, easy… Read the rest
The Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) today announced the selection of its new executive director – Kimberly Cella of the St. Louis-based transit advocacy
(Kansas City, Mo. – Oct. 20, 2015) – Kansas City Councilman Jermaine Reed on Wednesday morning will lead a group of stakeholders on a tour of Prospect Avenue, looking… Read the rest
Beyond Traffic is an invitation to the American public—including the users, developers, owners, and operators of the transportation network and the policy officials… Read the rest