The May 18 Orange Ozone Alert has prompted RIDE KC to offer reduced bus fares to incentivize bus ridership. The organization cut the cost of riding in half, to $0.75 to encourage commuters to choose alternatives to taking a car.
Single occupancy commuting is a major contributor to ground-level ozone. Automobiles contribute more than one-third of the emissions associated with ground-level ozone. Transit is a logical alternative to single occupancy commuting, and can help improve air quality for an entire region.
An Ozone Alert is issued when ground-level ozone is expected to reach high levels. These levels are dangerous for people with respiratory problems, as well as for healthy adults and children playing, working and exercising outdoors. Ozone’s harmful effects can include eye, nose and throat irritation, chest pain, coughing, nausea, and headaches. Ozone can trigger asthma attacks, permanently damaging a person’s lungs. Children, senior citizens, those working or playing outdoors, and people with respiratory disease are at a higher risk from ozone exposure.
Ride KC displays Ozone Alert days on their buses’ overhead signs. The alerts are also broadcast by local media outlets.
Ride KC offers several options to help riders plan their commute including a call center, their website,, and their social network sites. Do you plan to ride transit during Ozone Alert days?