The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority will hold several public meetings to discuss proposed service changes to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of underperforming routes. Changes would affect routes serving Kansas City, Mo., beginning July 2, 2017.

Affected routes include:

9 9th Street

11 Northeast-Westside

12 12th Street

15 Truman Rd

27 27th Street

32 Linwood Link

39 39th Street

40 Crossroads-Plaza

55 55th Street

57 Wornall

63 63rd Street

71 Prospect

77 Casino Cruiser

85 Paseo

108 Indiana

110 Woodland-Brooklyn

132 Gracemor

135 Winnwood/69

142 North Oak

230 West Tiffany Springs

231 East Tiffany Springs

239 Tiffany Springs Link


At the meetings, KCATA staff will explain the proposed changes, and provide an opportunity for customers to ask questions and comment. Draft schedules and maps will be available at RideKC.org starting April 24. It is not necessary to attend the entire meeting to provide feedback.

–      Monday, April 24, 4 – 6 p.m., Park Hill School District, 7703 NW Barry Rd., Kansas City, Mo.

–      Tuesday, April 25, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., Kansas City Design Center, 1018 Baltimore, Kansas City, Mo.

–      Wednesday, April 26, 4 – 6 p.m., Bluford Branch, Kansas City Public Library, 3050 Prospect Ave., Kansas City, Mo.

–      Thursday, April 27, 4 – 6 p.m., Trailside Center, 9901 Holmes, Kansas City, Mo.

Customers may also submit comments by phone at 816-346-0300, by email at metro@kcata.org, or in writing to the Planning Department, KCATA, 1200 East 18th St., Kansas City, MO 64108. An online comment form is also available at http://ridekc.org/bulletins/public-meetings-for-proposed-bus-service-changes.


Summary of service changes 

9 9th Street: Weekday service time shortened. The end of the route would change from 16th & Gennessee to 12th & Wyoming in the West Bottoms. The end of the route on the east side will be moved from 12th & Winchester to Truman Road & Ewing.


11 Northeast-Westside: Weekday service time shortened.


12 12th Street: Westside layover location at the end of the route would change from 9th & Pennsylvania to 12th & Wyandotte. The service to 12th & Pennsylvania service would be continued on westbound trips.


15 Truman Road: The end of the route on the east side would move from Truman Road & Crystal to Truman Road & Ewing in the westbound lane.


27 27th Street: Weekday and Sunday service time shortened.


32 Linwood Link: Service would be eliminated due to low ridership. Frequent service is available one block north via 31 31st Street.


39 39th Street: Weekday service time shortened. Saturday service would be reduced from 15-minute peak service to 30-minute all day service.


40 Crossroads-Plaza: Route eliminated due to low ridership. Weekday service covered by new 55 Universities-Crossroads route.


55 55th Street: The route will be merged with existing 40-Crossroads Plaza route. The route will now travel from 3rd & Grand in the River Market, south via Wyandotte to Barney Allis Plaza, then south on Broadway to 25th & West Pennway to Southwest Trafficway and to the Country Club Plaza via Madison/Belleview before resuming the regular route. This new route will provide a single-seat ride from River Market to University of Missouri-Kansas City and the Blue Hills neighborhood. New route name will be 55 Universities/Crossroads.


57 Wornall: Route frequencies on Saturday and Sunday would change from 30-minute to 90-minute service due to low ridership. Sunday service time shortened. Current route is continued from the Country Club Plaza to Minor/Oak.


63 63rd Street: Sunday service time shortened.


71 Prospect: Sunday service time shortened.


77 Casino Cruiser: With the elimination of 132 Gracemor route, the 77 Casino will now serve North Brighton on both east and westbound trips between 210 Hwy and Northeast Parvin Road.


85 Paseo: Sunday service time shortened.


108 Indiana: Sunday service time shortened.


110 Woodland/Brooklyn: Route will no longer serve Brooklyn from 18th Street to 22nd Street since it will remain on Woodland and provide front-door service to Lincoln High students. Route will end at 39th & Prospect and lay over in westbound lane. Route will be renumbered to 10 Woodland/Brooklyn.


132 Gracemor: Route eliminated because of low ridership. Gracemor neighborhood services shifted to changes proposed for the 135 Winnwood/69 Hwy route.


135 Winnwood-69 Hwy: Route modified to include Gracemor neighborhood service lost with elimination of the 132 Gracemor route. The north end of the route would be relocated from 69 Hwy and Eugene Fields to North Manchester and San Rafael. The southern end of the route will be relocated from 27th & Main to 12th & Grand. Route will travel from North Manchester and San Rafael north on North Manchester, west Northeast 51st, then north on North Randolph to 69 Hwy. before resuming the regular route. Route renumbered and renamed to 235 Winnwood/Gracemor.


142 North Oak: Route will end at Boardwalk Square with service direct to Zona Rosa being eliminated. Weekday route frequency would be reduced from 20-minute peak to 30-minute peak service. Sunday service time will be shortened. The route will be renumbered to 201 North Oak.


230/231 East/West Tiffany Springs: Route will be eliminated due to low ridership.


239 Tiffany Springs Link: Pilot route with front-door service to Harley Davidson Plant from 12th & Grand would be eliminated due to low ridership.