Transit Workforce Center Introduces Interactive Apprenticeship Program Map


Transit Workforce Center (TWC) has launched an interactive map that shows apprenticeship and mentorship programs at U.S. transit agencies. Apprenticeship and mentorship programs continue to be adopted across the country as part of workforce development strategy and the new map is an engaging way to showcase that information.

The map can be found under the “Resources” tab on TWC’s homepage. The user-friendly display includes the location of each transit agency, in addition to relevant information about the programs offered, which TWC gathered from national databases and with the help of transit unions and agencies. Each agency on the map includes information about apprenticeship standards at that agency, worker demographics, and links to articles and other resources related to that agency’s program.

To rollout this resource, TWC will host an American Transit Training and Apprenticeship Innovators Network (ATTAIN) meeting at 1:30 PM ET on Tuesday, September 17. The webinar will include a panel discussion about this new resource featuring union and transit agency representatives, TWC team members, and an audience Q&A. Registration for the ATTAIN meeting is available here.

View the TWC map here.