KCATA’s Adopt-A-Stop Program a Success One Year Into Implementation

The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority reports that a year into the implementation of their Adopt-A-Stop program, the program has been a success with 13 partners taking responsibility for a transit stop.

Those who participate in the Adopt-A-Stop program are asked to pick up litter at their transit stop once a week or as needed in order to maintain the appearance of the stop. In return, participants receive a sign at the stop which lists the individual’s name or organization’s name which has taken responsibility for the stop.

“We work with great community partners that help support the public transportation system,” said Frank White, III, president & CEO of KCATA. “Everyone benefits from their efforts to make bus stops cleaner, safer and more accessible.”

If you or your organization is interested in participating in the Adopt-A-Stop program, KCATA encourages you to email adoptastop@kcata.org or call 816-346-0844. You can also visit the program webpage to learn more.