JEFFTRAN Returns to Regular Operation with Full Team of Operators

JEFFTRAN, the transit provider in Jefferson City, MO, announced routes will return to regular operation on October 2nd, 2023.   Due to a driver shortage, which started in February of 2023, JEFFTRAN service was adjusted to an alternating route system.  All six of the regular routes are running as well as the three Tripper routes. All routes are now back on 40 minute headways as well.


“The City of Jefferson and JEFFTRAN staff would like to thank the public for their patience during this period,” said Gerry Stegeman, Transit Manager for JeffTran. JEFFTRAN was down 5 drivers but is now back to a full complement of drivers at 22.

Bus locations and timing are available via the Double Map on a mobile device or by going to the website at  For more information about the routes and timetables, including printable guides, please go to the JEFFTRAN website at

Questions can be directed to the Transit Division at 573-634-6477.