KCATA Announces Frank White III as CEO to Lead Bi-State Authority


The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) announced Frank White III, as the permanent President and CEO at their past January meeting. In August of 2022, White was unanimously named to the interim CEO position by the 10-member KCATA Board of Commissioners.

Frank was hired at KCATA in 2016 as a Senior Marketing Manager and quickly ascended the agency ranks, including roles of Chief Marketing Officer, Director of Strategic Planning and Development, and Vice President of RideKC Development Corporation.  At RideKC Development Corporation, White continues to be instrumental in engaging the community and building relationships to create a  transportation-oriented development model that fits the region’s unique needs.

In July of 2022, KCATA RideKC was named the top public transit agency in North America for midsize agencies, earning the prestigious 2022 American Public Transportation Association Outstanding Public Transportation System Achievement Award.

Please visit KCATA.org for more information.