MPTA Education Series Presents: COVID-19 Resources for Transit Providers

The Missouri Public Transit Association will be hosting an Education Series event on Resources for Transit Providers to Combat COVID-19 on January 21, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. central time.  This month’s event features MPTA vendor members offering a variety of COVID-19 solutions as transit providers and stakeholders continue to work to mitigate the spread of the virus and improve the future of health and safety on their systems for passengers and drivers.  The following companies will be in attendance:

Registration required.  Click here to register now. 

Any MPTA vendor interested in participating in future education events can contact  Active MPTA vendor members will be given priority.

MPTA Vendor Showcase Event: January 21, 2020, COVID-19 Resources for Transit Providers, 11:30 a.m. via Zoom.