CMT Offering Scholarships to 2019 Midwest/SW Transit Conference in KC in September

Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT), a St. Louis based transit advocacy organization, is offering several scholarships to the 2019 Midwest/SW Transit Conference & Expo set for Sept. 11-13 in Kansas City, MO at the Intercontinental Hotel, through the Fred Epstein Public Transit Education Fund. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to meet with other transit professionals, stakeholders, elected officials, and interested citizens to shape policy, develop networks, and collaborate to share knowledge and create new ideas for transit.

The conference will provide a space for transit professionals, stakeholders, elected and interested citizens across the Midwest to share innovative ideas and best practices with a variety of top presentations, workshops and panel discussions.

  • Iowa Public Transit Association
  • Kansas Public Transit Association
  • Missouri Public Transit Association
  • Nebraska Public Transit Association
  • Southwest Transit Association


  • Transit Marketing
  • Transit Law
  • Regional Workshops
  • Community Mobility

Early Bird Registration is $290 through August 1, 2019. Regular conference rate is $390 after August 1. Make your reservations today.

More information about the Fred Epstein Public Transit Education Fund:

CMT will be offering several scholarships for registration for this upcoming conference through the Fred Epstein Transit Education Fund. As one of the founders of Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) in 1985, Fred Epstein, whose passions included transit and access to public transportation, ensured the St. Louis region had an articulate, active voice for public transit with Citizens for Modern Transit. From 1986 to 1998, Fred worked diligently to ensure light rail came to fruition as a member of the Citizens for Modern Transit Board of Directors including a stint as President, Vice-President and Treasurer over the years.

Fred was a true public transit visionary and advocate who dedicated years to the transit discussion, ensuring in part through his leadership St. Louis MetroLink came to fruition. Fred was a leader on the transit front in St. Louis, and this education fund would be a way to build new transit leaders in his name and honor his goal to ensure a great transit system for all.

Interested in a scholarship for this conference? Please send the following to CMT at by June 1, 2019. Recipients will be chosen by committee by June 15, 2019.   Hotel reservations and travel will be on your own.







Why attending this conference is important to you?

How transit plays a role in your life?

What you hope to gain from attending this conference?