MO is Crushing on Transit; Share Your Love

 In conjunction with Valentine’s Day, the Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) and Citizens for Modern Transit (CMT) are encouraging Missouri residents to express why they love public transit through a “Crushing on Transit” social media campaign.

Crushing on Transit provides an opportunity for Missourians to share their love for transit. As a part of the statewide initiative, please consider posting on social  media channels why you are #crushingontransit during the week of Valentine’s Day. It could be because it  “Saves $” … “Get 2 Chill” … “Time Saver” … “Sit Back, Relax” …or another reason. Consider including an image of your ride or you on the system. MPTA will be using these testimonials in its work in Jefferson City to push for state support of transit.

“Some Missourians rely on public transit to get to work, to gain access to much-needed goods and services, to save money, or as a more convenient means to get to games, concerts and festivals” said Kimberly Cella, executive director of both the MPTA and CMT. “Yet for others, it is the only form of transportation they have access to, and without it, they would be homebound.  Whatever your reason – we want to hear your love of transit.”