It’s Membership Renewal Time at the MPTA

It’s membership renewal time at the MPTAtestimonial2.  Transportation is a key to moving Missouri forward, and we have an opportunity with the Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) to make a difference for transit.  Here is your opportunity to get involved to ensure TRANSIT makes an impact on Missouri by renewing  your membership in MPTA for 2019.

MPTA transit provider members provide more than 62 million rides almost everywhere for everybody every day in Missouri, and they employ thousands in our communities.   Through the work of the staff, board and our members, we are moving the organization to the next level with regards to education, advocacy for transit and membership development.  Our goals in 2018 include:

*Elevate the status of transit in Missouri.
* Build new coalitions to expand the transit advocacy base.
* Promote and support MPTA members.

The benefits of becoming a member continue to grow:
• Quarterly Educational Series for MPTA members.
• An 11 State Midwest Conference & Training on Sept. 11-13, 2018 in Kansas City, MO
• Networking events for members
• Webinars
• Raising awareness levels on public transit and its benefits to the state through lobbying, outreach and advocacy days
• Marketing tools for member providers including the MPTA website at
• Media relations/public awareness campaigns on TRANSIT and its benefits

Thank you for helping to make the voice stronger for public transit.  Renew today.