MPTA announces its next Educational Series Event scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018, “Harassment and Discrimination Issues Specific to Transit in the #MeToo Era,” in Columbia, MO. Employers have trained their workers for decades on sexual harassment, but claims of harassment and discrimination persist. Why? Many factors have changed: the law, work places, workers’ attitudes, societal pressures.
This fast-paced,engaging training with real-world examples from litigated cases will bring you up to speed on changes in Missouri and federal law, with a specific emphasis on how harassment and discrimination claims often arise (and can be avoided) in transit.
Hear from Ashley L. Norgard, an Attorney with Husch Blackwell in Springfield, MO. Ashley’s practice focuses on labor and employment counseling, mediation and litigation. She assists clients in lawsuits and administrative claims involving alleged discrimination, retaliation and harassment.
The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the OATS Headquarters, 2501 Maguire Blvd., Ste. 101, Columbia, MO 65201 – Register Here.
MPTA’s Educational Series was launched in 2016 in order to support MPTA’s individual and organizational members. The series features quarterly events focused on issues that transit providers and advocacy organizations encounter in the transit industry in Missouri.
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