Registration Open for the 2018 Conference

Individual Registration Fee: $375.00




Guests of registered attendees must purchase a ticket to attend meals and socials events.

Guests are NOT considered attendees and do not attend workshops or assist exhibitors. The fee is what we are being charged. There is no reduced pricing due to the age of guest.

Phone: (314) 231-7272

Wednesday Night Reception 9/19 $ 45.00
Thursday Breakfast 9/20 $ 25.00
Thursday Plated Lunch 9/20 $ 45.00
Thursday Night Reception 9/20 $ 40.00
Friday Breakfast 9/21 $ 25.00
Friday Boxed Lunch 9/21 $ 35.00


Click below for the additional Tickets


Click Here for the Conference Agenda

Cancellation Policy: If commitment is canceled in writing prior to August 1, 2018, MPTA will provide a 50% refund. There will be NO REFUND after August 20, 2018.