Sponsor Transportation Day, Feb. 7, 2017

Please reserve Tuesday, February 7, 2017 for the Missouri Public Transit Association’s Transportation Day in Jefferson City at the Capitol.transportationday

MPTA in partnership with Citizens for Modern Transit in St. Louis and the Kansas City Regional Transit Alliance will host this day of events.  We would like to invite you to consider sponsoring this special MPTA legislative event at the $1000 level.

The day will include visits to legislators in the morning, a special briefing from MoDOT Director Patrick McKenna at 10 a.m. in the State Capitol Building, and then a special invite for sponsors of the MPTA Transportation Day to join us at the MPTA Board Luncheon from 11:30 to 1 p.m. MPTA believes this is an opportunity to bring the Missouri delegation together to continue building the necessary network to move statewide financial support of transit forward.   Currently, Missouri ranks 44th in the nation with regards to transit funding. The lack of state funding for capital and operating limits the opportunities to build off the current transit successes in the state to create a stronger economy through transit investment.


As a part of your sponsorship, your logo will be included on all invitations and signage at the event. You will also have a special opportunity to network directly with Missouri transit providers at the briefing and the MPTA board meeting after.

Formal invitations to the event will be mailed in January. You can sponsor online,  mail your check to Missouri Public Transit Association, 911 Washington, Ste. 200, St. Louis, MO 63101 prior to December 22 or email kcella@mopublictranist.org to ensure that your company name is included on the invitations.