SERVE celebrates 40 years in MO

Congratulations to MPTA members SERVE, Inc. on your 40 year anniversary in Missouri!  Serve, Inc. developed in Fulton, MO after a very successful “Meals on Wheels” program, in which community members delivered meals to local senior citizens. After a few years, the City of Fulton saw the need to help transport citizens.

Four years after starting the “Meals on Wheels” program an extension to the program grew and SERVE began providing free rides to their Community DIning Hall. SERVE purchased a van and hired one driver to transport community members. The first year SERVE transported about 50 round trip rides to and from the local dining hall.

Today SERVE, Inc. has expanded to all of Callaway County and now operates 11 buses and 13 drivers.   They provided over 30,000 rides a year and travel more than 23,000 miles each month. Congratulations to a successful 40 years SERVE, Inc.!