Meet MPTA: City of Bloomfield

Penny Schatz, Fire Fighter/EMT, Transit Manger, and Grant Writer for the City of Bloomfield
Penny Schatz, Fire Fighter/EMT, Transit Manager, and Grant Writer for the City of Bloomfield

As a part of the Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA)’s efforts to promote our members and the services they provide in MO, we launched a new series, MEET MPTA. This week we are highlighting the services provided by the City of Bloomfield, MO.

The City of Bloomfield transit system serves the city limits of Bloomfield as well as 2 miles beyond the city limits. This encompasses just over 3 square mile route system. Their transit system serves more than 3,000 people and provides more than 8,000 rides annually.

Bloomfield City Transit currently employs 5 people, and is continuing to grow. As the county seat in Stoddard County, the city remains very active. In the last year Bloomfield Public Transit connected with Stoddard County Transit at the Commuter Parking lot. This allows Bloomfield travelers to ride an additional 3 miles south of Bloomfield into Stoddard. This connection has increased the number of riders on both transit systems. The City of Bloomfield saw a 45% increase in ridership in the 2015-2016 fiscal year.

As Bloomfield transit continues to grow they are allowing their citizens to get where they need to be easily and effectively. “Our goal is to make the public independent and stay independent. We have riders that range in age from 1 to 101,” said Penny Schatz,Transit Manager for the City of Bloomfield.