MPTA launches Educational Series with focus on Social Media for Transit

Join the Missouri Public Transit Association on November 1 to learn how to best use social media to promote your transit services and to communicate with your constituents – it’s easier than you think!  This MPTA Educational Series event will feature tips and tricks for getting the most out of social media to get out the message.


Bridget Moss, Public Affairs Director, KCATA and Cris Swaters, Social Media Coordinator, City Utilities of Springfield

The first Seminar is set for Tuesday, November 1 in Columbia, MO: Making the Case for Social Media, at City Hall from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.  RSVP for the Educational Series is required.

City of Columbia, City Hall – Room 1 A&B

701 E Broadway, Columbia, MO 65205

STILL TIME TO SPONSOR ONE OR ALL OF THE EDUCATIONAL SERIES EVENTS for the coming year . . . Find out more here.