“Title VI and Public Transit” class in Wichita, KS on April 19-20, 2016

The National Transit Institute is holding a “Title VI and Public Transit” class in Wichita, KS on April 19-20, 2016. This course will help practitioners appreciate the importance of transit equity considerations during the day-to-day life of transit planning, management, and operations. It is designed to provide accurate information on a variety of equity considerations an agency is exposed to on a daily basis.


Understand the historical background of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the environmental justice movement; understand the Federal Laws, and regulations and guidance of Title VI, environmental justice, NEPA and LEP; and receive resources to address these requirements.


  • Use this course, subsequent case studies, and exercises as planning tools to identify potential impacts of proposed actions on low-income and minority populations, as well as other disadvantaged groups (e.g., elderly, disabled, youth).
  • Understand how equity issues in transportation planning and operations will lead to better service, planning, and delivery.
  • Apply course content to help ensure equitable distribution of public transportation resources; thus, public transportation providers and users will benefit


Registration Fee:

  • $600 – Contractors, Consultants, Non-Profits
  • $ 0     – State, Local, Federal and Government Agencies

You must register for the class through the National Transit Institute website at https://ce-catalog.rutgers.edu/courseDisplay.cfm?schID=60390.  If you have any questions about the class please contact Ginny Stern, NTI at 848.932.6592 or via email at gstern@nti.rutgers.edu.

Thank you.

FTA Region VII