Teens get around for $12 a month with Tranz It

(Kansas City, Mo. – May 21, 2014) Summer is on the way, and now is the time to get Metro’s Tranz It, a special bus pass just for youth 12 to 18 years old.
For just $12 a month and sporting a medallion-like tag around the neck, parents will find the tag affordable and teens will find paying their Metro fare effortless. They can get to jobs, summer school – anywhere The Metro goes – and ride without needing the standard reduced fare ID.
Tranz It is a special monthly bus pass the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) offers during the summer months.
“Teens and parents are looking for ways to save money this summer,” said KCATA Marketing Manager Anita Cobbins. “Taking transit is already a great value, but Tranz It makes The Metro an even better deal.”
The color-coded tags are available only during June, July and August. The special passes are sold online at store.kcata.org. All that is needed to order online is a Visa or Mastercard and the identification number from the youth reduced farecard. Mail-in orders require a check or money order. Proof of age can include the reduced farecard number or a copy of a birth certificate or valid driver’s license. In addition, mail-in orders must include the order form which is available in Metro schedule racks, can be downloaded at www.kcata.org, or requested by calling (816) 221-0660.
Tranz It is also on sale at the ATA Customer Service Center, 1200 E. 18th St. (corner of 18th & Forest). Persons must bring cash or a money order and proof of age to buy Tranz It on the spot.
For further information, go to www.kcata.org or contact the Regional Call Center at (816) 221-0660 weekdays 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
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The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority is the largest of the three public transportation agencies serving the Greater Kansas City metropolitan region. Created in 1965 through special state legislative action in both Missouri and Kansas, the ATA today operates a fleet of more than 270 Metro buses providing more than 52,000 customer trips per weekday.