By David Downey 12:01 A.M. JAN. 21, 2013 Updated 2:18 P.M.JAN. 20, 2013

While we were all worried the economy would fall off the fiscal cliff, the negotiators in Washington were crafting, among other things, a deal that could boost public transportation.

As you know, many employers offer pretax health savings accounts to help employees manage medical expenses and save on taxes.

Since 1998, employers also have had the option of offering similar pretax accounts to employees who want to take money out of paychecks and set it aside for public transportation.

That pretax transit benefit nearly doubled as a result of the fiscal cliff compromise.

Kim Weinstein, a senior transportation planner for the San Diego Association of Governments who specializes in commute alternatives, said the benefit used to be $125 per month. Now it’s $245.

The fiscal cliff deal is about to put cash in the pockets of some commuters who take the bus or train to work, or ride in a van pool to the office.

At the same time, some workers have the option of setting up pretax savings accounts to cover parking expenses associated with work. That maximum benefit used to be twice as high as the transit ceiling. Now they are the same.

“They are on a level playing field,” Weinstein said.

Weinstein suggested the fatter financial carrot for transit and van pools is bound to boost interest in alternatives to the solo commute by car on congested freeways.

“I think it will really help people on the fence who could take transit or join a van pool,” she said.

SANDAG operates 712 van pools throughout the region, including Southwest Riverside County.

Now, it’s important to point out the amounts are maximums. If the value of your monthly transit pass is less than $245, Weinstein said, you’re going to be limited to that amount.

Of course, your participation depends on whether the program is even available where you work. Generally speaking, federal agencies, the University of California and some large private employers offer it, said SANDAG spokeswoman Helen Gao.

But many don’t.

If it’s an option where you work, you might want to give it some thought.

In Riverside County as of late, public transportation hasn’t needed much incentive. The number of people riding buses keeps rising.

Bradley Weaver, a spokesman for Riverside Transit Agency, which operates public buses in western Riverside County, said there were 9.1 million boardings in 2012.

“The total boardings is up from 8.4 million boardings in 2011, and is the most during any calendar — or fiscal — year in our history, since 1977,” Weaver said by email.

With one exception, Weaver said, each month’s total topped the same month’s of previous years.

“And October was our highest month of all time,” he said.