AMES, Iowa – May 2, 2012 – Iowa’s public transit agencies are now offering transportation to IowaCare members through a new program, TransitCares.Established by the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Public Transit, the program provides IowaCare members with transportation to their medical appointments and pharmacy visits.
IowaCare is a health care program that provides limited services for people who are not otherwise eligible for Medicaid. The purpose of IowaCare is to provide some health care coverage to people who would otherwise have no coverage. In the past, many IowaCare members have experienced difficulty arranging transportation to their medical appointments.
The Iowa DOT's Office of Public Transit is making State Transit Assistance Special Project funds available to Iowa’s public transit agencies as part of this program. The funding will allow these agencies to provide IowaCare members with transportation to participating clinics and hospitals. Members will pay a one-way fare of $1. Regular fares continue to apply to nonmembers.
Scheduling and service availability will vary by public transit provider. All public transit services in Iowa are open to the public.
IowaCare members should contact their local public transit agency for specifics on the TransitCares service availability. For a list of Iowa’s public transit agencies and their contact information, please visit or call Laurie Carnahan at 515-233-7870.
For more information, contact: Kristin Haar at 515-233-7875