Management of Transit Construction Projects Class

The National Transit Institute will be sponsoring a “Management of Transit Construction Projects” class in Cedar Rapids, IA on May 5-7, 2010.

The course is intended for managers, planners, and engineers involved in all phases of the management, planning, design, construction, and post-construction of FTA projects. This includes grantee department or division managers responsible for major and non-major capital project development; directors of grantee consultant teams participating in the management of a major project; and managers of FTA Project Management Oversight (PMO) consultants.

The course will cover organizations and programs that must be in place to address the specific needs of the project. The Federal transit laws require a grant applicant for a major capital investment project prepare a Project Management Plan (PMP) and implement it as the key tool for managing the project. This course addresses the basics of good project management for transit projects, with specific emphasis on the requirements that are presented in the report, Project and Construction Management Guidelines.  Also the guidelines, uses the best practices known for successful project and construction management, on the hand, the course teaches the process of good project management so grantees with capital projects can implement a Project Management Plan.

You can register for this class on-line at the National Transit Institute’s website at  The contact person at NTI is Myrna Sirleaf.  She can be reached at (732) 932-1700 ext 228 or via email at  .  Tuition shall be waived for Federal, state and local government employees who work in transportation or related areas. 

The course will be held at:

Cedar Rapids Marriott
Cedar Rapids Room
1200 Collins Road, NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Contact:  Sushil Nepal
Phone:  319-286-5075
Instructors:  Mike Radbill and Brian Stover

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