Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) was established in 1980 as a Missouri non-profit corporation. It was formed to provide a unified voice for public and specialized transportation providers in Missouri and to work toward elevating the status of public transit as a national priority. The Missouri Public Transit Association values personal mobility as a basic quality of life by promoting access to public transit services.


  • Elevate the value of transit in Missouri.
  • Build new coalitions to expand advocacy base. 
  • Promote and support MPTA members.

In 1983, MPTA established an office in Kansas City. Today, the association is managed by a full time Executive Director and professional support staff. MPTA’s staff provides legislative liaison and its office serves as a central clearinghouse for member information and requests for assistance. The association has developed a variety of programs to facilitate education and networking among transit professionals in Missouri.

Membership in MPTA is open to anyone who has an interest in the future of public transit in the most rural counties of the state. Affiliate members include representatives of sheltered workshops, community organizations, citizen advocacy groups, government and quasi-government agencies and industry suppliers.


The Missouri Public Transit Association values personal mobility as a basic quality of life by promoting access to public transit services

The Missouri Public Transit Association was established to:

  • Represent the interests, policies, requirements and purposes of public transit in Missouri.
  • Exchange experiences, discussions and comparative studies of industry affairs relating to transportation.
  • Promote research and investigations toward improving public transit in Missouri.
  • Aid member organizations with special issues and legislation pertaining to public transit.
  • Encourage cooperation among its members, its employees and the general public.
  • Inform members by the collection, and the compilation of data and information relative to public transit in Missouri.