MoDOT Makes Changes to Section 5310 Useful Life Criteria

Changes have been made to the Missouri Section 5310 program which provides funding to help improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities. The program provides funds to organizations and programs that work to remove barriers to transportation services and expand transportation mobility options for seniors and individuals with disabilities.

The change from MoDOT regards the useful life criteria portion of the funding application. With Section 5310 funding, organizations can use funds to replace program vehicles. Previously, vehicles were required to meet both mileage standards and time frames in order to be considered for replacement. The change now allows vehicles to meet either mileage standards or time frames, whichever comes first. The new standards are as follows:

1. Medium-size, medium-duty transit buses (approximately 25’ – 35’): 200,000 miles or at least 7 years in revenue service
2. Medium-size, light-duty transit buses (approximately 25’ – 35’) cutaways: 150,000 miles or at least 5 years in revenue service
3. Regular and specialized vans, sedans, and light duty buses: 100,000 miles or at least 4 years in revenue service

For more information on the Section 5310 program, please visit: