Kansas City Area Transportation Authority Introduces Transit-Oriented Community Development Website

Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) continues to prioritize what they call Transit-Oriented Community Development (TOCD) by rolling out a new website dedicated to showcasing the benefits of TOCD along with their ongoing TOCD projects in the Kansas City region.

KCATA defines TOCD as “people-first urban-planning.” As outlined on their new website, job centers, medical care and schools near transit, reduced air pollution and traffic congestion, housing choices for diverse income levels, and improved pedestrian and transit infrastructure, the result of TOCD, can create opportunities for countless people.

In 2018, the RideKC Development Corporation was founded as a separate 501(c)3 organization under the overarching KCATA organization. In 2023, all TOCD efforts and projects were brought back under KCATA’s in-house Development Department. Within the Development Department, staff continue to outline and put into action TOCD initiatives and projects that are meeting internal goals of building support for TOCD and creating opportunities for revenue generation. Additionally, KCATA plans to expand their commitment to this type of community building by offering TOCD consultation services in the future.

KCATA’s current TOCD projects are viewable here, along with additional information about the history of TOCD in Kansas City and START Bonds, available to those who are building or developing livable and vibrant TOCD communities.