Each month, the Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) spotlights transit operators from across the state to highlight their work and commitment to transit. For the month of June, we are pleased to spotlight Steve Hutsell from SERVE, Inc.
Since October 2018, Hutsell has served the riders of Fulton, Missouri as a SERVE Transit Operator.
On a regular basis, Hutsell’s team receives many compliments about his service. “Most riders state how safe they feel while riding the SERVE bus and how safety is our main priority,” says Maggie Oberlag, SERVE, Inc Transportation Lead.
“Steve has always gone above and beyond in his driving position. He always does his best to ensure that our clients have a safe and pleasant experience, as well as a clean, sanitized environment to ride in,” Oberlag added.
Along with driving his normal riders throughout the week, Hutsell is known to go above the call of duty – taking on other responsibilities within the organization. He also transports food bank donations to the food pantry weekly, as well as transporting the Callaway County mobile food pantry twice a month.
Hutsell is a huge asset to SERVE, Inc, and his team felt he was the perfect candidate for MPTA’s June Operator of the Month.
If you know a transit operator that you would like to highlight for the next operator of the month, please contact our team at mmenn@mopublictransit.org