Register today for the Four-State 2023 Midwest Transit Conference in Kansas City, Missouri. This two-day conference will provide opportunities to meet with other transit professionals, stakeholders, elected and interested citizens from across the Midwest. This event set for September 6-8, 2023 is a unique opportunity to share innovative ideas and best practices with a variety of top presentations, mobile workshops, vendors and panel discussions from Missouri, Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska. Highlights include:
- Smart Growth America Keynote
- CTAA Executive Director Scott Bogren
- Mobile Workshops including Multi-Modal Transit Center tour, Riding Tour of Troost Ave., and KC Streetcar Expansion
- Tracks including operations, collaborations and partnerships, and technical assistance
- FTA and Transit Operator Awards
- Networking opportunities including receptions, BBQ Bus Bash and more
Registration and Sponsorship opportunities are now open. Check out the agenda and register here:
Current Sponsors:
- Bi-State Development
- Missouri Propane Education and Research Council
- AARP Missouri
- Central Power Systems & Services
- Olsson
- Citizens for Modern Transit
- Felsburg Holt & Ullevig
Registering as a 5311 provider? Click here.