MPTA Education Series: Addressing Behavioral Health on Transit Systems – December 8, 2021,  9 a.m. to 10 a.m.

The next MPTA Education Series will look at Addressing Behavioral Health on Transit Systems with Stacy Nonn, Associate Director of Comprehensive Integration with Chestnut Health, Emily Schwaegel, Behavioral Health Outreach Coordinator with Chestnut Health.  Stacy and Emily will talk about the work their team is doing on the MetroLink system in Illinois and protocols that could be used on any system. Since the program launch in April 2021, Chestnut staff have provided services to more than  700 riders including shelter, food, treatment, and other needs. Join in this conversation and see how it might be applicable to your area.

Time: 9 a.m. CST
Date: December 8, 2021
Location: Zoom
RSVP Required – Click here to register now!