Missouri Public Transit Association Selects Lochmueller Group to Lead Statewide Transit Needs Assessment Study

lochmueller logoThe Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA) has selected St. Louis-based Lochmueller Group – a full-service survey, planning, engineering and environmental firm – to lead a Statewide Transit Needs Assessment Study. The firm will examine public transit access across Missouri, identify existing and potential service gaps and help establish a guide for the development of optimum personal mobility as transit providers are forced to make service modifications and respond to changing rider demographics.

Lochmueller Group was chosen by the MPTA Selection Committee from a pool of proposals based on its experience, cost, qualifications, project approach and proven track record.

“Personal mobility matters as it is the sole means by which many are able to get where they need to go,” commented Kimberly Cella, executive director of the Missouri Public Transit Association. “We want to get a better grasp of the current landscape and identify next steps in furthering public transit access for Missourians.

Once the study is completed, the MPTA will provide the findings to each of the 34 transit providers in the state of Missouri, the Missouri Department of Transportation, state policy makers and others. It will help in the decision-making process tied to transit funding prioritization, programming needs and the establishment of new and revised local services.