Yesterday, the Subcommittee on Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) of the House Committee on Appropriations released FY21 Transportation and Housing Appropriations bill (THUD). The legislation contains historic funding levels, including the significant increases proposed for transit formula programs in H.R. 2, the INVEST in America Act. The bill provides $18.9 billion for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) programs and $3 billion for Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) programs.
The measure will be considered by the Subcommittee on July 8 and will be considered by the Full Committee next week. According to the Bus Coalition, bus programs received a significant plus-up of $499 million. In addition, the funds are 100% federal, so no local match would be required, which is especially important in these challenging times.
The bill provides $2.175 billion for Capital Investment Grants (CIG) and requires the FTA to allocate 85 percent of these funds by December 31, 2022. Of the $2.175 billion, the bill provides $1.25 billion for New Starts, $525 million for Core Capacity projects, $300 million for Small Starts, and $100 million for the Expedited Project Delivery for CIG Pilot Program.
Under the Transit Infrastructure Grant Program:
- The 5339b competitive grant program received an additional $374 million, funds are 100% federal (no local match requirement) and minimum grant awards are set at $1 million. Total 5339b funding for FY21 would be $663 million if these plus-up funds are maintained.
- The 5339c low and no emissions program received an additional $125 million, funds are 100% federal and minimum grant awards are set at $1.25 million. Total 5339c funding for FY21 would be $180 million.
The remaining $11 million of the total $510 million in the Transit Infrastructure Grant Program went to the passenger ferry program ($10 million) and a pilot program for demand response software ($1 million).
Please click here to view the legislation.