This is being accomplished while facing the harsh realities associated with dropping farebox recovery, increased expenses from new cleaning protocols and significant driver absenteeism. Transit agencies have the backs of local communities – and right now they need support.
It is imperative Missourians reach out to their Congressional delegation to underscore the importance of public transit funding being part of the national relief package. The Senate COVID-19 Relief Bill currently includes $20 billion for public transit with $4 billion of that for rural transit, and we must ensure this funding remains intact.
The days and weeks ahead will be defined by more change and new challenges. The transit service that is essential now will be even more so when Missourians get back to the business of building safe, sustainable and economically viable communities.
Please contact Congress by email or through social channels today to express your support for keeping transit funding part of the finalized national relief package.
Kimberly Cella, executive director of both Citizens for Modern Transit and the Missouri Public Transit Association.