Be a Voice for Transit Investment

Public transportation serves as a link between people and possibilities. It’s also delivering on a PROMISE to promote equality, job creation, stronger economies and the vibrancy of local neighborhoods. Unfortunately, the lack of state funding over the past several years is negatively impacting transit access. We need your help. Please consider making a difference by voicing your support for transit in Missouri today.

As MPTA members, transit supporters and/or users of public transit, there are many ways you can get involved. Consider:

  1. Contacting your state legislators and locally elected officials to express your interest in transit funding. They need to know that transit makes a difference to their constituents. Find the contact information for legislators in Missouri here.
  • Ask legislators to invest in transit operations and paratransit services through the State Transportation Fund General Revenue, and urge them to support transit access for workforce training through the creation of a Workforce Development Transit Access Fund. Also, consider sharing the video highlighting Transit’s Impact on Missouri (link).

Click here, to learn more about MPTA’s legislative priorities for 2020.

  1. Continuing to read CMT’s eblasts and blog postings to stay up to date on transit-related topics.
  1. Reaching out to Governor Parson to encourage him to make public transit funding part of budget conversations as he works to create bold transportation solutions for Missouri.
  1. RIDING TRANSIT and inviting others to get on board with you.

Thank you in advance for your commitment to furthering transit access in Missouri.

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