Opening day for RideKC’s new Prospect MAX Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line has been announced – Dec. 9, 2019. The BRT route will include $56 million worth of street and sidewalk upgrades, transit stop infrastructure and advanced technology along Kansas City’s 10-mile Prospect Ave. from Downtown to 75th St.

“This is a win for the region, but more so for the people who live along Prospect,” said Robbie Makinen, President and CEO of KCATA. “We are thankful to the Federal Transit Administration and the local construction firms and many partners who’ve collaborated to bring this innovative BRT technology to Kansas City’s eastside.”

Prospect MAX will offer frequent service, uniquely branded MAX stations and vehicles, traffic signal priority and fewer stops for faster service. High ridership stations have level boarding, so no steps for customers; and conductive concrete, which melts snow and ice. Prospect MAX stations offer touchscreen technology and free WiFi. Local firms built and repaired more than 40,000 feet of sidewalks along the route. The DBE participation goal was set at 15%. KCATA surpassed that with 26% participation from local minority firms.

The 75th & Prospect Transit Center at Alphapointe will also open Dec. 9, and the East Village Transit Center will open in Spring 2020.

Prospect MAX schedule

  • Weekdays, 4 a.m. – 1 a.m.: Every 10 minutes during the day, every 30 minutes at night
  • Saturdays, 5 a.m. – 1 a.m.: Every 15 minutes during the day, every 30 minutes at night
  • Sundays, 5:30 a.m. – 12:30 a.m.: Every 30 minutes

MAX is RideKC’s brand for Bus Rapid Transit. KCATA already operates two MAX BRT lines: Main MAX (opened 2005) and Troost MAX (opened 2011). Prospect MAX is projected to be 100% complete by Spring 2020.