Transit is a great way to get to the polls for the midterm vote on November 6th. This election cycle has brought with it a host of transit incentives and participation across the country. Right here in Missouri, some transit centers are even being utilized as polling locations. Additionally, some transit agencies are offering discounted or free fares to the polls. Check out our list below to see how some transit agencies and nonprofits are teaming up to get people out to vote. Check with your local transit provider to find out you can get to the polls by transit.
RideKC routes will offer free fares all day on Nov. 6 to make it easier for citizens to vote.
SMTS is offering free rides to the polls on their local service routes in all 21 counties that they serve.
The City Utilities Transit Center is being activated as a general polling location.
Other Transportation Options:
Lyft teamed up with various voting organizations, such as and TurboVote, to distribute a 50% promotion code to riders on their mobile app.
- Access the codes here.
Uber is offering $10 off one ride to the polls on Election Day, thanks to their partners #VoteTogether and Democracy Works.
- Promotional Code: VOTE2018
- When requesting your ride, you must use Uber’s “polling place locator” and go directly to your polling place.
Electric scooter- and bike-sharing service Lime is offering free rides to polling places.
- Promotional Code: LIME2VOTE18