KCATA takes home gold at APTA conference

Among the winners for the 2017 Bus Safety and Security Excellence awards, was the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA). The American Public Transit Association (APTA) awarded KCATA the GOLD Award for Security Excellence and the Certificate of Merit for Safety.
The Certificate of Merit was awarded due to the overall review KCATA conducted of its bus fleet. The review resulted in adding new training technologies, updating the chemicals used for cleaning bus floors, and putting new policies in place. Due to these changes, KCATA saw a decrease in passenger claims by 57% and a decrease in accidents on the bus involving slipping or falling by 76% from 2014-2016.
KCATA received the GOLD award for Security Excellence in regards to their new safety, security, and risk management plan. The new strategic plan includes 22 programs and performance measures that will improve safety and security along their transit lines. The plan aims to reduce the number of operator assaults, increase operator training and use of safety equipment, and utilizing a pink breast cancer awareness bus to create a calming presence in the community. They have also partnered with police to have an increased police presence along transit lines. The newly adopted policies have resulted in a 47% decrease in operator assaults and a 69% decrease in claims paid out in 2016.

Congrats Kansas City Area Transportation Authority!

For more information on the APTA Bus Safety and Security Excellence Awards, click here.