OATS celebrates 45 years of transit service in MO

OATS Executive Director Dorothy Yeager at the 45th Anniversary Celebration

On September 28th, 2016 OATS celebrated their 45th anniversary in Columbia, MO. As the largest rural transit provider in the country they have accomplished a great deal over the past 45 years. Here are just some of their many achievements.

1971– Cooperative Transition Service was formed. Purchased 3 buses, hired 3 drivers and 1 general manager, had 37 volunteers & 454 member helping grow the company.

1973– Our name was changed to Older Adults Transportation Service’s and shares of stock were sold to fund rides.

1980– The company expanded to serve more than just rural seniors, and changed our name to just OATS, Inc.

1981– OATS grew to have 231 employees, 134 buses, 1,012 volunteers & 20,000 members serving 88 Missouri counties.

1985– Received the Outstanding Public Service Award by the US DOT.

1987- Received the Operator of the Year by Community Transportation.

1991- OATS grew to 300 employees, 261 buses, 1,200 volunteers serving 87 Counties (Ray County Service was dropped).

1995- Award of Merit presented by Occupational Safety & Heath; Exemplary Rural Service for the Aging presented by the National Council of Aging.

 2001- Outstanding Public Transportation Services to the Citizens of Missouri presented by the US DOT.

2003- Largest Participating Transit Delegation presented by FTA Region 7.

2003- OATS greatly expanded service in St Louis County to transport clients for Productive Living Board & United Cerebral Palsy Assn.

2008- Rural Transit Excellence Award for Highest Ridership presented by FTA Region 7.

2013- Rural Transit Excellence Award for Highest Ridership presented by FTA Region 7.

2014- Honored by the National Rural Transit Assistance Program Best Practices Spotlight.

2015- Received the American Legion Employer of Older Workers Award.

2016- OATS has 700 employees, 800 buses and 900 volunteers.

2016- Rural Transportation System of the Year awarded by the Community Transportation Association of America.

2016- Transit Champions Award awarded by Missouri Public Transportation Association.