MEET MPTA: City of Excelsior Springs

As a part of the Missouri Public Transit Association’s efforts to promote our members and the services they provide in MO, we launched a new series, MEET MPTA. This week we are highlighting the services provided by the City of Excelsior Springs, MO.

The City of Excelsior Springs is located in Clay County, Region 7. The  transportation department has been in service since October of 1982.

The City of Excelsior Springs Transportation is open to the public as a curb to curb service on a fixed route with minor deviation within the city limits of Excelsior Springs. The accessible vehicles are prepared to transport citizens for shopping, employment, healthcare and educational needs.

They provided over 12,000 rides last fiscal year, traveled more than 23,000 miles with three dedicated employee’s that are residents of Missouri.

“The City of Excelsior Springs Transportation is committed to providing a safe reliable service to ensure the Independence of our elderly, access to healthcare, and employment opportunities for our citizens of Excelsior Springs!”

For more information or call (816) 630-0754 ex 225.