Early Bird Registration Ends May 31 for 2016 Transit Midwest Conference

The joint 2016 Transit Midwest/State Public Transportation Partnerships Conference is a cooperative effort among the states of Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri, and partnerships with AASHTO, APTA, and CTAA. Scheduled for August 14 – August 16, 2016, the four-state conference will be held at The Westin at Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri.

This year’s conference will focus on the relationship between public transportation and healthcare, but cover many other topic areas as well, including sessions for rural, small urban and urban systems, mobility managers, health care professionals, direct service employees, state DOTs, FTA and many more. There will also be a bus expo with several vendors displaying vehicles of all sizes, from vans to 40 foot buses. Check out the preliminary agenda here.

Register online now!Early bird attendee rates expire May 31, 2016. All registrations require payment at time of registration. Registrations sent without payment will not be accepted.

Guests are welcome to attend meals and social event with advanced ticket purchases, and must be accompanied by a registered attendee. Guests are not considered conference attendees and do not attend workshops, sessions, breaks, or work exhibits.

Exhibitors/Vendors: please use the registration form on the Exhibitors Page. This helps eliminate unnecessary delays upon arrival during conference.

Registrations received after July 20, 2016 will be treated as on-site registrations.  Call Transit Midwest c/o Community Asset Builders at 573-632-2700 with questions or inquiries.

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