City Utilities of Springfield Opens New Transit Center

cutransitopening ribbon cut smallCity Utilities Transit Center opened with much fanfare on May 6 in Springfield, MO. The opening fun included a Dedication Ceremony in the morning with more than 150 area stakeholders, the FTA Region VII representatives, and local dignitaries in attendance. The Grand opening event that evening as a part of Springfield’s First Friday Artwork held at the Transit Center hosted more than 400 residents through the new facility.

The new facility brings many new amenities for customers and bus operators alike. Additionally, it provides for safer and more accessible operations.  The new Transit Center includes a large customer lobby with public Wi-Fi and real-time bus arrival information.  The Transit Center provides an additional convenient location for customers to purchase bus passes at a ticket window or a ticket vending machine.  The facility was designed with sawtooth-style bus bays and an extended platform to accommodate future growth of the system.

“This project is the culmination of more than ten years of hard work by many different people. Customers and bus operators alike love our new facility.  The new bus routes have been very busy as everyone is getting used to the changes in service.  The Transit Center provides better amenities, better operations, and improved safety for our passengers and drivers alike,” Kelly Turner, PE, Director – Transit, City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri

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