It's time to renew your membership with the Missouri Public Transit Association! If you have never been a member, it's time to consider getting on board with transit in MO!
You can download our new membership application here.
MPTA transit provider members provide more than 77 million rides almost everywhere for everybody every day in Missouri, and they employ thousands in our communities. Now is the time to look at what the opportunities are to elevate the status of transit and the services our members are providing, build new coalitions around transit and promote and support our members.
Your membership allows us to continue and expand MPTA's work to elevate the status of transit in Missouri, and to provide support and resources for all of our members.
Transportation is the key to moving Missouri forward, and 2016 is an opportunity for the MPTA to make a difference for transit as we mark the 35th anniversary of the organization. With a new management team in place, we are excited to help move the organization to the next level with regards to education, advocacy and membership development. Please look for updates and information — and a member survey! — on our website and via email and social media in the coming weeks.